Thursday, April 10, 2014

Economics article summery
   Europe's 10,000 publicly listed companies to hold binding votes, and to say how employee and executive pay compares. There is a big gap between the ceos and the workers leading many to worry that growing income inequality could hurt economic growth. They are trying to raise minimum wag.The EU has already capped bonuses for bankers earning more than 500,000 euros a year so the maximum pay is now equal to annual salary or twice salary if a majority of shareholders approve.

the unemployment rate remained at 6.7% in March but the job gains came entirely from the private sector. So the job crisis is still here although 192,000 jobs were added. There are still about 10.5 million Americans who are unemployed. They say that unemployment rates are getting better and that may be true but not by much. According to the article we still have a good ways to go before we are back to a healthy pre-recession labor market.

Monday, March 24, 2014

          Marbury v. Madison 1803
What the case was about: William Marbury was an intended recipient of an appointment as justice of the peace but it was not delivered before the expiration of Adams’s term as president. He applied directly to the Supreme Court of the United States for a writ of mandamus to compel Jefferson’s Secretary of State, James Madison, to deliver the commissions.

What the Supreme Court Decided: Marbury has a right to the commission, the law grants Marbury a remedy, the Supreme Court has the authority to review acts of Congress and determine whether they are unconstitutional and therefore void, Congress cannot expand the scope of the Supreme Court’s original jurisdiction beyond what is specified in Article III of the Constitution, the Supreme Court does not have original jurisdiction to issue writs of mandamus.

My oppinon: I don't think this was fair at all William Marbury was intended to be justice of the peace but the letter wasn't delivered in time evn though it was written well beforehand. The letter had already been signed and sealed.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Bellringer 11/6//13
1.) Kmart has decided to stay open on Thanksgiving day and this has made a lot of people angry. They say that it isn't fair to the workers but I disagree with these claims. It's not like they are being forced to work they always have a choice and Thanksgiving is still just a day theres nothing special about it. Holidays are only "special" because of people wanting them to be.
2.) I am not sure what Kmart staying open on Thanksgiving day has to do with people protesting gay rights during the Winter Olympic Sports but okay.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Bellringer 11/4/13
1.) There will be less voters because they won't want to go through all that just to vote.
2.) I feel that they violate the citizens right to vote.
Bellringer 11/1/13
1.) Yes, he only used a pellet gun so it didn't do any harm.
2.)It says that society would rather take matters into their own hands.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bellringer 10/7/13
1.) If a little boy can sneak on a plane and fly to Vegas then it doesn't seem like our nations security is very good.
2.) Yes, after 9/11 they took more precautions and monitored everything you can bring on a plane except apparently, the passengers themselves.

Bellringer 10/8/13
1.) I agree with changing the name of the redskins. It is just a name of a team so it's not really a big deal. Even though the name is not used in a negative way if the Oneidas have a problem with it then it should be changed.

Bellringer 10/10/13
1.) Our government is in pretty bad shape and the way people view it will definitely effect how it is run.
2.) Deal with what the people want and need after all isn't the government for the people?

Bellringer 10/1 1/13
1.) No I don't think that's fair at all! What do tax dollars go towards!
2.) I would go to Yosemite because it looks absolutely beautiful and I have always wanted to go to California.

Bellringer 10/14/13
People were protesting that they closed the WWII Memorial and they were letting Veterans in who traveled across the country to see it. This protest wasn't against against the memorial itself but against the government shutdown.

Bellringer 10/15/13
Wow that's actually kind of funny. The only way I would say that could be avoided is to do a psychiatric evaluation on all employees.

Bellringer 5/16/13
1.) Yes, just to scare them they know the consequences that their actions could have before they did it but they didn't care. Because of their carelessness a girl is dead.
2.) A felony is worse then a misdemeanor
3.) One thing that should be done to combat bullying is making it more known with personal stories like this in school.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Bellriger 9/16/13       Summery
The 50th anniversary of a bombing of a church that took place Sept. 15, 1963. The four little girls who died in the blast are remebered today. This cruel bombing opened up a lot of peoples eyes to the horrors of the KKK and how wrong it was.

Bellringer 9/17/13
1.) That people are not truly okay with other races and groups.
2.) The civil rights movement has affected minorities in law but in peoples hearts, sadly, they are still prejudice.

Bellringer 9/18/13
1.) They said they were searching for possible violence, drug use, bullying, truancy and suicidal threats.
2.) Constitionally I believe it is but it is in the terms of service probably.
3.) I would be upset about the violation of my constitutional right of privacy but I think it would be a good thing too.

Bellringer 9/30/13
1.) They all are about a terrorist bombing.