Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Start Up      9/10/13   prd.3
1.) To increase sales and make more money.
2.) 2190 calories and yes this would have an affect on obesity rate.
3) Yes, if McDonalds is successful then the others are sure to follow.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Start Up 9/9/13 period 3
1.) No, the U.S. has no right to be a "world police force."
2.)I believe that the UN should mind thier own buisness.
3.)The world is afraid of chemical weapons because they know how dangerous they are.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Start up 9/6/13
1.) I belive that this man has the authority and right to punish his child the way he sees fit as long as it is not abuse.
2.) The fathers actions show that he is trying to correct his childs behavior.
3.) This would have been expected in the 1950's.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Start up 9/4/13                         Value of College Degree
1.)Engineering majors commanded the highest average salaries, followed by computer science and business majors.
2.) I would like to see the data for the students out of state as well.
3.) It will make me look into the average of first year salary for my chosen career vs the estimated cost of the education i will require.
Start up 8/29/13                                              I Have A Dream
 Martin Luther King Jr. is a very powerful speaker, his use of words and emphasis compels the listener to act. Listening to this I am reminded of how complacent our generation is and how people back in this time fought so avidly for the rights we take for granted.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Start up Spetember 3rd 2013 period 3

1.) Yes, I believe that this is an invasion of privacy.
2.) I would guess that this does comply with the terms and conditions of Facebook and no I haven't read them.
3.) I do believe that this violates my 4th amendment right because I am positive that my forefathers wrote this to stop such things.