Monday, November 18, 2013

Bellringer 11/6//13
1.) Kmart has decided to stay open on Thanksgiving day and this has made a lot of people angry. They say that it isn't fair to the workers but I disagree with these claims. It's not like they are being forced to work they always have a choice and Thanksgiving is still just a day theres nothing special about it. Holidays are only "special" because of people wanting them to be.
2.) I am not sure what Kmart staying open on Thanksgiving day has to do with people protesting gay rights during the Winter Olympic Sports but okay.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Bellringer 11/4/13
1.) There will be less voters because they won't want to go through all that just to vote.
2.) I feel that they violate the citizens right to vote.
Bellringer 11/1/13
1.) Yes, he only used a pellet gun so it didn't do any harm.
2.)It says that society would rather take matters into their own hands.